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 Post subject: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Fri May 17, 2013 11:46 pm 
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This is a venting/ life story/ whatever serious business you want to talk about thread. I noticed people using spam central for that type of stuff and just felt out of place. For being a real talk thread there should be some rules.
The Rules:
1. No Trolling
2. No hate
3. Don't be sorry for whatever it is. Going by Carl said in the spam central.
4. No Judging. Lets keep things positive here.

I think that just does it for the rules. If you have any suggestions for rules just post it down below and I or a mod/ admin can edit the rules.

Now lets get down to business here.

Today was a rough day for me. It was a second Friday in a row where I didn't go to class because I just couldn't do it. I have gotten no sleep again and I was kinda having panic attack? Idk. My chest did kinda feel tight but for the most part I was worrying about the unknown. I knew I wasn't able to drive and even thought my Dad offered to drive me to class and pick me up when I get out I still couldn't do it. I talked to my parents about me having anxiety. I am going to go get tested whenever appointments can be made. What is interesting here is that I can go to my Math class that is at night and be 100% fine with driving there and going to class. It is just this one class that is early in the morning I just can't go to it. Next Friday I have go to class but I just hope I can get to it this time.


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 Post subject: Re: Real Talk
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 6:38 am 
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I like this. Theres always something real going down in Spam, but it often gets lost in all the, well, spam.

Renaming it from "Real Talk" to "The Get It Off Your Chest Advice Thread" so its a little more obvious. And yeah, agree with the rules too. Never be sorry for asking for help or advice. It takes a big person to admit when they need help.

For you, sir, I would suggest getting a proper sleeping pattern established, and sticking to it. I of all people know how much not sleeping can fuck your life up. It just isn't worth the hassle. Set yourself a deadline each night for bedtime, preferably before midnight, and stick to it. Even if you're in bed and awake for a while, you'll get off to sleep eventually. Malt drinks like Ovaltine or Horlicks (as we have here) might help too.


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 Post subject: Re: Real Talk
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 7:12 am 
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Blokeymon wrote:
I like this. Theres always something real going down in Spam, but it often gets lost in all the, well, spam.

Renaming it from "Real Talk" to "The Get It Off Your Chest Advice Thread" so its a little more obvious. And yeah, agree with the rules too. Never be sorry for asking for help or advice. It takes a big person to admit when they need help.

For you, sir, I would suggest getting a proper sleeping pattern established, and sticking to it. I of all people know how much not sleeping can fuck your life up. It just isn't worth the hassle. Set yourself a deadline each night for bedtime, preferably before midnight, and stick to it. Even if you're in bed and awake for a while, you'll get off to sleep eventually. Malt drinks like Ovaltine or Horlicks (as we have here) might help too.

It is hard for me to get a good sleep schedule. I did it one time by being up 24 hours which is hard for me to do and I was able to get some good sleep for once but what screwed me up was all the stuff going on with north korea and being on /pol/ and all the boston bombing stuff really screwed me up because I was up till like till 10am watching everything going on. I know I can do it again but with school it is really had for me to do that again. I'll try Ovaltine next time. Now, does that have to be warmed up or drink it cold? If I don't have ovaltine what are other ways to help me fall asleep?


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 Post subject: Re: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 7:18 am 
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Ovaltine, Horlicks, whatever, just get a whole boatload in. It should be cheap - it is here anyways. A large warm mug of that about an hour before you switch all off and go to bed, and you should be fine. It won't work first night, but after a few nights your body will start to understand what it needs to do and you should then get to sleep fine.

Also, stay off /pol/, Its full of shit. Stick to /vr/ where only 5% of the population are dicks. Some of the stuff on /pol/ is just scaremongering, which is pretty much all the news does to folks. 24/7 stream of "YOU SHOULD BE SCARED" and "HOLY SHIT WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE" and "EVERYTHING GIVES YOU CANCER". Its bullshit to keep the masses under control. Fuck the news, fuck /pol/, retro gaemz is where its at. :D

There are also plenty of herbal remedies out there, as well as a few proper medical things (we have something called Nytol which helps you nod off, not sure if you guys will have it) which can simply be bought anywhere without a prescription. Look into those, but try not to get anything super-powerful, or you risk addiction.

Also, warm milk on its own won't work. Apparently it acts as a stimulant - much like when people need a coffee or a smoke to "calm down" when it actually does the opposite. However, warm milk in your Ovaltine or Horlicks is the bomb, and should knock you out quicksmart.


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 Post subject: Re: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 7:38 am 
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Also, if you do get in the Ovaltine routine, don't drink it at any other time of day, no matter how delicious it is.
Routine is a powerful thing, and if you get in the habit of "I only drink Ovaltine when it's bedtime, every time it's bedtime," it'll make you sleepy when you drink it, since that's what your body expects. "Oh, here's the Ovaltine, guess we're sleeping now ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"

Sounds bullshit but it's no lie. Distance runners start fucking pouring sweat if they even jog to a busstop cause their body goes OH GOD ARE WE RUNNING FOR 30 MILES AGAIN? SHIIIIIT BETTER START COOLING OFF NOW.
And people with anxiety can establish routines to help them calm down. Train your brain to associate a warm bath in a dark room(candles only, yo) with calmness and stability, and when you start freaking out, you can take a bath to calm down.

Routine does crazy shit to the brain, if you really wanna stabilize, it's worth making a nighttime routine of stuff you ONLY do before bedtime, EVERY time you go to bed.

Prof. Chaos wrote:
I came in the first three seconds.

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 Post subject: Re: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 7:41 am 
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^ this = troof.


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 Post subject: Re: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 7:51 am 
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Dude no joke /pol/ is like filled with retarded people and FBI. I only went there for the HAPPENING Threads but I don't really know why I visit the board. Other boards I visit are /b/, /ck/, /k/, /v/, /o/, and /vg/. Thought you will find me usually in /v/, /k/, and /o/. Oh and I really can't leave /wg/ out of that list because when you need a good wallpaper you always check /wg/. Besides that probably tomorrow I will try it out.

Terradude wrote:
Also, if you do get in the Ovaltine routine, don't drink it at any other time of day, no matter how delicious it is.
Routine is a powerful thing, and if you get in the habit of "I only drink Ovaltine when it's bedtime, every time it's bedtime," it'll make you sleepy when you drink it, since that's what your body expects. "Oh, here's the Ovaltine, guess we're sleeping now ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"

Sounds bullshit but it's no lie. Distance runners start fucking pouring sweat if they even jog to a busstop cause their body goes OH GOD ARE WE RUNNING FOR 30 MILES AGAIN? SHIIIIIT BETTER START COOLING OFF NOW.
And people with anxiety can establish routines to help them calm down. Train your brain to associate a warm bath in a dark room(candles only, yo) with calmness and stability, and when you start freaking out, you can take a bath to calm down.

Routine does crazy shit to the brain, if you really wanna stabilize, it's worth making a nighttime routine of stuff you ONLY do before bedtime, EVERY time you go to bed.

Oh man I haven't taken a bath in years man. Baths are amazing and they really relax me. I remember you Tadlock falling asleep taking a bath once So I know they are very relaxing. I think I will do both tomorrow and see how that goes. Probably around 10pm. I know once my body can get use to falling asleep at an earlier time and being able to stay asleep for 7-8+ hours I will be fine.


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 Post subject: Re: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2013 11:57 pm 
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install flux on your computer, should help things out a bit. It stops your screen from emitting a type of light that replicates sun light, making your brain think its still sunny outside and messing with your circadian rhythms as sun light is something your brain uses to set your biological clock. (trust me on this, I did a module in sleep psychology).

if you can keep your room (or at the very least your bed) as a sleeping area only, it's a similar kind of logic to the 'only drink ovaltine (whatever that is, never heard of it) before bed then you get sleepy' advice but it's good to compartmentalise stuff. I've stopped using my room for work (I work at my university's library now) and use the living room for entertainment purposes and my room for... bed based activities only and I drop off like a jumper off beachy head, granted I'm living on my own now for most of the year so I've got more freedom to use my living spaces as I please but it's helped me a lot and I've not even been looking to sort my sleep patterns out.

If you can download some sort of sleep cycle alarm clock for your phone or tablet if you've got one. Normal alarm clocks just wake you up when you tell them but sleep cycle alarm clock apps wake you up within a half hour period when your sleep cycle is coming to an end. Basically, if you wake up in the middle of REM sleep (this is believed to be the part of sleep where your mind is revitalised, but from what I can remember there isn't much scientific consensus on how mind and body are rested during sleep and what sleep stages rest which parts, but that's another topic for another day) you feel like shite regardless of how many hours of sleep you get. These apps work by sensing your movement through your phone, as when you're in REM sleep, your whole body is paralysed apart from your eyes, which is why it's known as Rapid Eye Movement sleep, cause they go mental during this stage. A sleep cycle usually takes about 20 minutes, so the half an hour period the alarm app sets will always feature the end a sleep cycle in it. These apps can tell you how good your quality of sleep was and show your graphs and stuff. It's pretty interesting stuff, especially if you compare your sleep quality after a drunken night out with a normal night (drunk sleep is dreadful.) and it really does work (at least I find).

Still can't sleep? just do stuff during the day, be it mental or physical exertion, it'll tire you out. go for a walk, or a run, or a swim, or find some pick up football games (either sort, whatever you prefer) in the early evening. (5ish, 6ish if you want to get to bed for around 10, I'd say) you get a boost from exercise initially but eventually you'll need to rest. If you can't find time for that, shift your schedule (also a really good thing to have, work one out if you don't) an hour or two forward and give yourself an hour or two away from screens of any sort (yup, including your phone.) and read a book. If you don't have any books to read, buy some, there's books on everything, I read a lot of books on football (the proper sort.) and politics and they often sort me right out when I need to sleep.

alternatively, just have a wank. that usually sorts me out.


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 Post subject: Re: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 12:20 am 
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Ill give flux a try. Thanks for the advice Joe.


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 Post subject: Re: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 12:30 am 
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Holy crap is flux awesome! I have it set up for me but my god does it feel easier on the eyes. I even turned it off any god dang was my monitor so bright. Thanks Joe for showing me this god of a program.


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 Post subject: Re: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 2:08 am 
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I'm going to a funeral on Monday it is for a 12 hour old baby, i'm really good friend with it's father and mother but for once I just don't know what to say to either of them over it


bill goat wrote:
90% of single girls online have a boyfriend, 6% are single for a good reason, 3% are fbi Agents/tweenbait, 1% are what your looking for.

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 Post subject: Re: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:20 am 
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Theres nothing you can say hun, just being there will help. my thoughts are with them.


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 Post subject: Re: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 3:37 pm 
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I am trying my best to get good sleep. Caleb told me the other day to and I quote "Go the fuck to sleep" because it was 4 in the morning and I was laying in bed on my phone. last night I was in bed by 12 and I set my alarm for 10am and I think I fell asleep around 3? I can't remember but it is much better from the usual falling asleep around 5am and waking up at 3pm. I did though wake up at 8:21 due to this dream I was having about me and the cops and I was getting tased in the back by this female officer and then I started shooting her while she was tasing me. I woke up with a burning pain in my lower back where i was being tasered. Fell back to sleep rolled out of bed around 10:48 and boom here we are posting about this.


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 Post subject: Re: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:52 pm 
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It ain't gonna happen overnight, but you'll get there...

In other news, first day of my new job is also my last. Turns out I was put into a different team I should have been, and the woman running the team was... shall we say, not really a people person.

I was pulled over by the friend who recommended me for the job on the way home, and he was all "Dude, fr srs, I thought you was going into X team. At the last minute, Y asked for more staff, so you went into their team, and if I'd have known that, I wouldn't even have told you about it!"

The dude put me through the Refer-A-Friend thing that nets him £100 for me starting, and £400 if I last 6 months. He told me he wouldn't begrudge me at all if I didn't make it - and this is a guy who is gonna be a dad anyday now.

So I talked it over with Cassy and yeah, going in tomorrow, handing in my pass, telling them I got confirmation of something better while at work today, and turning away.

Sorry, but I ain't getting spoken to like that, getting treat like that, nor getting taken from work I know onto work that no-one knows.

Picky? Maybe. But fuck, I got dignity, and there's people out there needing folk with dignity.


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 Post subject: Re: The Get It Off Your Chest/Advice Thread
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 9:24 pm 
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Wow that is some serious stuff. I had a guy like that when I went to apply to footlocker. The guy was a cold ass and I hope he got fired because I went there the other day and saw two girls working the place. He was the manager so he was probably in the back doing some work but man did the guy seem to hate his job. Hey, I'll take his 30k a year job as a manager if he doesn't want it.


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