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Forza vs Gran Turismo - all talk, no photos
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Author:  Blokeymon [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Forza vs Gran Turismo - all talk, no photos


Guess we know which one spent more money on colour and scenery... :hmm:

Author:  Matthew [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

Bit of an unfair comparison as Forza Horizon is open world so they had to put a little more effort in :p

Author:  HGW XX/7 [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

And legit-fully-modeled interiors...

Also, there's ways to change settings to make those photos more clear.

At least, they were there in Forza 4. I know there are some tracks in Forza 4 where I took a photo and was like, "FORZA, STAHP! <3"

Not gonna lie though, they're all so beautiful~

Author:  inertSpark [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

Screenshots don't tell the full story so I thought Id throw in some vids.

Firstly, here's my Forza 4 vs Real Life vid I did last year:

And secondly, heres a direct Forza vs GT5 comparison I found. Make of this what you will:

Obviously, don't forget to crank both vids up to HD.

GT5, better track textures, Forza better scenes overall. GT5's audio is ropey, Forza's is altogether more satisfying. Handling wise, I have to say, Forza sneaks it too as GT5 is quite soulless - doesnt feel like you are really connecting with the road.

Sorry Carl, Forza is the better game :hi:

Author:  Blokeymon [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

The premium (read: bought new off the production line) cars in GT5 have fully modelled interiors.

The standard (read: bought from the used car dealerships) cars just have black dashboards when viewed internally.

Also, I just remembered that most, if not all, tracks have the option to change the time of day and weather, so I might have to change shit up a bit.

I also have some sexy as fuck cars too. The one that can be bought from Morrison is what I would imagine they would have driven in New Vegas had it not been nuked to holy hell.

EDIT: Dobbo, this ain't about which is the better, its about sexy as fuck photos - despite the thread title and the location of said thread... :lol:

Author:  inertSpark [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..


Videos are just a bunch of photos moving very quicky... problem? 8-)

Author:  Blokeymon [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

Aside from some of the GT5 footage looking better than the FM4 footage (the dash seems clearer, some of the track is clearer, some of the scenery is better) I'd say that both games are on equal footing here. :waluigi:

Author:  HGW XX/7 [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

Seriously, if we're being honest with ourselves, both series are absolutely tops.

I had heard specifically the audio in Forza (in terms of engine sounds and all that) being better specifically. That's in-spite of (game) reviewers saying the cars don't sound the way they should, whereas car folks are like, "this is perfect!" because Turn 10 actually set up a shitton of mics and recorded all the specific parts of all the different engines to get all the sounds in there and stuff.

Got a day ahead of me, but when I return there'll be more cars.

Question about GT5, though. Does the game allow for the custom paintjobs/vinyl groups that Forza does? I've never seen a GT5 screen with any sort of design modification. I know there's a HUGE culture of it in Forza, and it's one of the things I love most about the game.

Too bad I can't use the design tools for shit... I can't believe what people are capable of with it.

Author:  Blokeymon [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

The makers of GT have recorded the engine and exhaust noises of all cars since GT2 I think. Also, GT2 came on two discs - GT Mode and Arcade Mode. GT Mode's disc was all scratch-n-sniff, and smelled of burning rubber. Fucking genius.

As for paint jobs, you can paint your cars any colour you like (providing you have "unlocked" the colour by winning races or even just logging in), but if you perform a racing modification on it...

The racing modification also comes with Hard Racing tires and will come in a default white paint job with various racing livery and a customizable race car number. All RM cars can also be painted with any paint chip color you have available through the GT Auto Paint feature.

Nathan at work said he made his own design for his car, and then sold it in the online auction house, and he's well chuffed that somewhere in the world is a guy driving around in a car with Nate's name on it. Haven't done it myself, but will confirm once I have.

Also, yes. GT is to PS what FM is to Xbox. Different faces of the same coin. Both games frigging awesome.

Author:  Blokeymon [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

Normally I'd pull the old "graphics =/= gameplay" thing here, but thats pretty frigging awesome.

Author:  inertSpark [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

You can trade your unique decal designs and custom modded cars in the in-game auction house. I'm not kidding, the car customization is practically a game in itself. That's what sets Forza apart from GT5 imo. GT5 just didnt have an especially strong sense of love towards car culture, whereas Forza captures, and distills it.

It's a shame really. GT was my go-to game for racing, and I gave GT5 a real go (6 months). It just doesn't capture the passion and the soul of motor racing. They get everything else right, it's just emotionally dead as a game.

Author:  Blokeymon [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

inertSpark wrote:
It's a shame really. GT was my go-to game for racing, and I gave GT5 a real go (6 months). It just doesn't capture the passion and the soul of motor racing. They get everything else right, it's just emotionally dead as a game.

I can see what you mean there. Its all about the racing and the tuning, very little else. But then again, its the "real driving simulator", not "lets see what crazy-ass designs we can throw on a car".

It does what it does very well but is lacking somewhat in the extras department.

Personally, I'm fine with that, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like a little more option when I'm kitting out my car.

Mind you, I'm just glad they don't give you the option for undercar neons... that's just stupid. :lol:

Also, currently taking some more shots of my favourite cars...

Author:  inertSpark [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

Yeah I know what you mean, but it goes a little further than graphics. Turn 10 have taken Polyphony Digital's trick and made Forza the new 'Real Driving Simulator', if you will. Theres a point I have to make. Forza to the uninitiated will seem like an arcade game compared to GT5. Forza holds your hand a little more at lower difficulty. Strip away all the assists, and it's every bit the challenge that GT5 is.

Author:  Ax [ Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

Hmmm... Smells too much like "this one is better" in here for my liking?

I'll come back later too see if there's any more photos like I'd hoped :no:

Author:  Blokeymon [ Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Forza vs Gran Turismo - a photo phight... I mean fight..

Sounds more like "these two games are identical save for x, y, z" to me... :D

Photos being taken, my next post will be photos.

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