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 Post subject: Player interview #10 - Nubnos
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:39 am 
Level: 78 Chump
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12507 / 40346
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Wii system code: 2445-8086-3386-0718
Adam Brown


Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK

How old were you when you got into gaming, and which system did it?
Probably about 4 years old, with an old C64, and a copy of AD&D: Heroes of the Lance. I'd messed about with a few of the LCD wrist games for some time, but AD&D was what got me hooked properly.

If different from above, what was the first system you owned?
First one I personally owned (the C64 was my stepfathers) would be a Master System. The old ass one with the Game Card slot. Yes, I was THAT kid who had all the latest games, all on Game Card, and no one could borrow them, because they all had MSIIs. HAH.

What systems do you currently own?
At my place: PS3, Xbox360, several PCs, DS, 3DS, a few PSPs, iOS and Android platform devices.
In Mum's loft: Said aforementioned Master System, Mega Drive, Dreamcast (NEVA 4GET), Playstation 1, PSOne, PS2, Xbox phatteh, and a few more PCs. Mum made me cut down when I moved out :(

What is your favourite system, be it current or retro?
For all the shit I'll get for it, I'd say the Game Gear. Yes, it was bulky, took 6 batteries, and ate said batteries faster than Carl gets whipped by Cas on a daily basis, but it really drove portable colour handhelds into the wider population. While the area I grew up wasn't particularly middle-class (and neither was the school), most of the kids into video games all had a Game Gear at some point, marvelling over the new-fangled colour screens, with a stash of rechargeables in their backpacks.

A rough estimate of how many games you own?
At a rough guess, I'd probably say close to 200. As above, Mum made me clear a whole lot of them out when I moved out.

What game are you currently playing?
Well, my next review game will be HERE BE SECRETSthat'd be telling :P, but in between, I'm seriously back in Borderlands (<3 CL4P-TP and Moxxi), a little bit of GT5 (Get online bitches, I still need to grind B-spec...), and a whole lot of Flash games in development (some great, some unbelievably shit). Oh, and Symphony of Eternity. (In the wise words of Scooter... GET YOU ONE.... You too iOS.)

What is your favourite genre, and why?
I'd say RTS games more than anything else. When done well, they're truely difficult to master, while still being easy enough for anyone to tank rush some games down. Total War, Supreme Commander, and games like Dragonshard really crank the curves up a notch, with either severely hampering your options, making tank rushes completely useless, or even adding multi-map control. Give me all 3, and you'll see me never needing to play another game ever again.

What is your favourite game series, and why?
Total Annihilation, and Supreme Commander. Both games redefined what an RTS really is like, and Supreme Commander pushed it further, making you really think about what you're building, and what you're throwing at a base. Just a shame that they had to fuck it all up with Supreme Commander 2...

What is your all-time favourite game, and why?
Treasure Island Dizzy. Because it's one of the most bastard hard games I've played, where even a small mistake means your ass is going back to the start of the game. Oh, and because if you don't get on the boat with 29 coins, then you're fucked too.

Who is your favourite developer, and why?
While it'd be easy to say something like Gas Powered Games, or the Oliver Twins, because they're responsible for my current and all time games, but I'd have to go with Vic Tokai. Now, most of you are scratching your heads right now, or looking at TOW, but Vic Tokai are basically responsible for me losing massive parts of my free time, through games like Psycho Fox, and Decap Attack. Seriously, go look at their TOW page, and realise just how much you lost to them.

Give us your most under-rated/under-valued game.
Torchwood. Woefully missed by most of the press, and forever in the shadow of Diablo 2, but more than able to stand on its own feet as a dungeon crawler.

Any platform exclusive you'd like to see make the leap to multiplatform?
You know what? Not really. A lot of the exclusives are flogged, tired IPs that have some form of brand value, which is only sustained by their exclusivity. Most would die if they were multiplatform.

How about your favourite (motherfucker, if I have to correct your spelling one more time...) handheld game?
I don't really have one to be honest. Something RPGish really, as I tend to play handheld games at lunch, or when I'm away from a PC/TV, and having something too pick-up-and-playish isn't my kind of thing.

Any old series you'd like to see revived on current gen platforms?
I'd love to see something of the difficulty of Treasure Island Dizzy be released. Although, it'd flop, because you kids are all pussies about your difficulty levels.

Tell us about your most memorable gaming moment, something you're going to tell your grandkids.
It'd have to be the first time I picked up a game I thought I'd hate, and actually didn't think it was that bad. Expanding your horizons through stepping out of your comfort area is something that everyone needs to do in life, and now matter how you do it, is up to you.

Deep thoughts now:
Given the many news reports of people committing horrific acts against other people and then blaming videogames, do you feel that videogames are - in any way, shape or form - responsible for these atrocities, or are there other issues at play?

Now, I'm definitely going to get some shit over this, but yes, I do think they have some responsibility. HOWEVER, before you set the flamethrowers to extra crispy, they're responsible in the same way that motor racing is responsible for excessive speeding on the roads, or how rap music is responsible for shootings. Everyone has some predisposition to doing something, and the glorification of violence, speed, or shooting in those medium may just be the tipping point for some people. We, the gaming public are partially to blame as well, for putting some games on such a pedestal that it's difficult for some people to "degrade" them to a form of entertainment, which is all that they are.

Have you ever found yourself looking at life or the world around you in a different light after playing a videogame, or has a videogame had any influence on how you live your life?
Not directly, but indirectly. Stepping out of my comfort area in gaming has enabled me to look at other things in life, and think that they're not quite as strange as a fighting game is to a racing fan.
Plus, when I first played Alone in the Dark, on the PS1... figuratively shat it, and wouldn't sleep for a while. I'm still no fan of horror games, but I'll still try my best to play them.

Yeah, your stoic resident reviewer is a pussy for scary shit.

And finally, tell us a strange but true fact about yourself.
I've been on TV 6 times, 4 times in the audience, and twice actually visible for a period as a member of the "council" on Public Property. I studied Media Studies for the whole of 2 terms back in 6th form, and the show needed some audiences. So the class took a trip to Norwich for a couple of days, to the Anglia TV studios, and I was picked. Green room and all that classy shit.

Plus, Kaye Adams... Don't care what people say, she's one of the nicest people I've ever met, and completely filthy to boot. Her jokes were worse than ours, and we were a bunch of lairy college students.


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 Post subject: Re: Player interview #10 - Nubnos
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:33 am 
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 Post subject: Re: Player interview #10 - Nubnos
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:21 pm 
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In your most underrated games, did you mean to say Torchlight, or is there an honest-to-God Torchwood game out there that I need to get my hands on at any cost?

Blokeh on Bookface wrote:
The Internet.

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 Post subject: Re: Player interview #10 - Nubnos
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:28 pm 
Level: 32 Assmunch
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Smokey wrote:
In your most underrated games, did you mean to say Torchlight, or is there an honest-to-God Torchwood game out there that I need to get my hands on at any cost?


Oh wait.... Yes, Torchlight.

I think Torchwood came out because of how much I'd like to stab John Barrowman in the face...


HGW XX/7 wrote:

Fuck you, Alma is one of my favourite characters as well. It's just the games are a little... I dunno... SHIT at times.


Supreme Commander 2 <-- A sequel with a lot to live up to. Does it command everything, or take orders?
Fight Night Champion (PS3) <-- Nubnos comes back from the canvas, and goes in swinging.
James Bond 007 - Blood Stone (PS3) <-- Do try to return this in one piece, 007...

Upcoming Reviews: <-- Add to the list!
Dragon Age 2 (PS3) <- OMG YU SO ADDICTIVE?! *In Progress!*
Ratchet and Clank 4 (PS3)

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 Post subject: Re: Player interview #10 - Nubnos
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:44 pm 
Level: 46 Alchemist
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You will play Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly and cry yourself to sleep every night.



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 Post subject: Re: Player interview #10 - Nubnos
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 6:12 pm 
Level: 32 Assmunch
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HGW XX/7 wrote:
You will play Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly and cry yourself to sleep every night.


Sucks to be your suggestion really. Boomerang only do Fatal Frame 4, and unless you plan on lending me a Wii, I can't play it.

Also, I am well jelly aware of the immense amount of tail that is following John Barrowman, and I am utterly jelly cool with it.


Supreme Commander 2 <-- A sequel with a lot to live up to. Does it command everything, or take orders?
Fight Night Champion (PS3) <-- Nubnos comes back from the canvas, and goes in swinging.
James Bond 007 - Blood Stone (PS3) <-- Do try to return this in one piece, 007...

Upcoming Reviews: <-- Add to the list!
Dragon Age 2 (PS3) <- OMG YU SO ADDICTIVE?! *In Progress!*
Ratchet and Clank 4 (PS3)

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 Post subject: Re: Player interview #10 - Nubnos
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:45 am 
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I thought I was the only one that played that beautiful game.

I loved the music.


Smokey wrote:
Godspeed, brave adventurer, and keep your pimp hand strong.

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 Post subject: Re: Player interview #10 - Nubnos
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:44 pm 
Level: 32 Assmunch
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55 / 2753
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SugaFree wrote:

I thought I was the only one that played that beautiful game.

I loved the music.

None of the "traditional" RTS games came even close to what TA did in terms of giving the genre a good old shaking up. Scale of battle, proper 3D environments, and actual tactical choices....

It should easily be on the list of games that EVERYONE should have to play at least once.

Yeah, some people have done things better in more recent times, but TA is still the one that I go back to when I'm looking to compare a foot, tank, and air RTS to.


Supreme Commander 2 <-- A sequel with a lot to live up to. Does it command everything, or take orders?
Fight Night Champion (PS3) <-- Nubnos comes back from the canvas, and goes in swinging.
James Bond 007 - Blood Stone (PS3) <-- Do try to return this in one piece, 007...

Upcoming Reviews: <-- Add to the list!
Dragon Age 2 (PS3) <- OMG YU SO ADDICTIVE?! *In Progress!*
Ratchet and Clank 4 (PS3)

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 Post subject: Re: Player interview #10 - Nubnos
PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:33 am 
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0 / 0
SugaFree wrote:

I thought I was the only one that played that beautiful game.

I loved the music.

Music is one and the only thing in it i think the best associated.
My opinion says i loved it a lot because of its best graphics and music.

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 Post subject: Re: Player interview #10 - Nubnos
PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:41 pm 
Level: 78 Chump
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Cool story brah.


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 Post subject: Re: Player interview #10 - Nubnos
PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:43 pm 
Level: 45 Judge
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So you are getting a new Dizzy game and you had me worried with your Vic Tokai comments as I didnt know them... but turned out thats coz I have played none of their games so thats cool.

What I think Dofuss wrote:
Something about Firefly? Hang on, thats definitely something about Chobot. No more ugly something or other jesus fuck what is this.
YES I could right (but probably meant write) better if you convented, hang on thats not even a real word, what the shitting fuck, screw this I'm off for a kebab and then bed.

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