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What the fuck, Forza 5?
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Author:  Blokeymon [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  What the fuck, Forza 5?


Author:  Bokuten [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What the fuck, Forza 5?

That is fucked up.

Author:  Prof. Chaos [ Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What the fuck, Forza 5?

Forza 5: The game that finally killed the series

Author:  Ax [ Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What the fuck, Forza 5?

Haven't played the game, can't comment on anything but the microtransactions. Which aren't so micro.

But this isn't new, shit was in the last game. And the one before that. Can't remember if F3 had it but they keep putting it in because idiots keep using this "feature". Don't like it? Don't spend real money. If you're tempted by this, you're a fucking moron. The game can be played fine without spending actual money, just like the last few games. There's no difference.

$99+ for a car though! that's barbaric.

The other features are a sliiight concern but I'd rather play the game first. Properly. But the game is built with a brand new engine (don't listen to the Neogaf dude), so some features might appear later. It's only the first game of this gen. I'm sure it's not a bad play.

I hope.

Author:  Ax [ Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What the fuck, Forza 5?

Right, shitwanks, I'm here to stomp out your game-bashing, given how I've now played Forza 5.

Game is amazing, and half of what was on that Neogaf shit was simply bullshit. There was a day-one update (6GB) which either added the games full features, or the Neogaf post was just lies to begin with.

As for the tokens? Yeah they're ignorable (and should be if you have more than one braincell). Money to buy cars is easy to make, and your drivatar earns you cash when you're offline, I've bought three dodge vipers and I'm only level 6.

Game is amazing but I don't think there's any people on here left who appreciates a Microsoft branded console, so I'm not expecting anyone to care for this post.

Forza 5 is the best racing game I've ever played and looks absolutely fantastic.

Author:  Blokeymon [ Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What the fuck, Forza 5?

This news genuinely please me. It is Gran Turismo's only real competitor, and while I love me some GT, it can be incredibly dull, in its SRS BSNS way of presentation.

So yeah, happy it isn't as bad as first seemed, and heres to a genuine "keep it up" to the series.

Author:  Sypher_04 [ Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What the fuck, Forza 5?

Ax wrote:
Right, shitwanks, I'm here to stomp out your game-bashing, given how I've now played Forza 5.

Game is amazing, and half of what was on that Neogaf shit was simply bullshit. There was a day-one update (6GB) which either added the games full features, or the Neogaf post was just lies to begin with.

As for the tokens? Yeah they're ignorable (and should be if you have more than one braincell). Money to buy cars is easy to make, and your drivatar earns you cash when you're offline, I've bought three dodge vipers and I'm only level 6.

Game is amazing but I don't think there's any people on here left who appreciates a Microsoft branded console, so I'm not expecting anyone to care for this post.

Forza 5 is the best racing game I've ever played and looks absolutely fantastic.

Exsqueeze me? I'm still trying to find an XB1 console to buy. Although, if it lingers much longer, I may wait out some of hardware stuff they are talking about.

Author:  Matthew [ Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What the fuck, Forza 5?

Ax wrote:
Game is amazing but I don't think there's any people on here left who appreciates a Microsoft branded console, so I'm not expecting anyone to care for this post.

I appreciate! I care!

Author:  Bokuten [ Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What the fuck, Forza 5?

Ax wrote:
Game is amazing but I don't think there's any people on here left who appreciates a Microsoft branded console, so I'm not expecting anyone to care for this post.

My Computer has windows on it so technically, I have a Microsoft console. ;)

Author:  Ax [ Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What the fuck, Forza 5?

Warmed my cockles did this (yanks that's not what it sounds like). So I guess I'll post a little more.

Graphics are beautiful, I love taking pictures in it. I'm looking out to record something but I don't wanna record any old shite.

I find money fairly easy to come by but later in the game there might more effort required for the more expensive cars. But with half price weekends like this one then it's no biggie I suppose.

Drivatar is really fucking cool though. You can really see your friends' different racing styles. My friend Ragequit Mitty is always knocking me out of the way, where as my mate Tom is a graceful driver. My Drivatar warns me cash when in offline and it's awesome.

One thing that's really Fucked me off is the choice of tracks. I know it was likely rushed for the console's release and they have to completely remap the (huge) track, but the lack of Nurburg is upsetting, given how it's my favourite track. But I'm sure they'll add it in DLC. I hope anyway. The cars are much less than the end of last gen probably for the same reason. But in nor fussed about the cars, as there's already a Shitton and the best ones are there.

So far, amazing. But lack of Nurburg is very upsetting.

Author:  inertSpark [ Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What the fuck, Forza 5?

I think there is truth in some of the neogaf claims. Having played a demo unit and watched countless hours of live streams, it seems there are a shit ton of cars locked behind a paywall. This in itself is no surprise, since even back since Forza 3 this was still the case. This time around the 'DLC' cars are more expensive, however I've heard mumblings of a price decrease at some point.

That said the game is awesome, and a major reason why I would have bought an Xbox One at launch if I hadn't already bought a PS4. People like to mock Forza for being arcadey, and whilst this is true when the assists are on, when turned off the game becomes so much better. Dare I say it, it's possibly more realistic than Gran Turismo these days.

Ax, there's going to be (surprise surprise) a German DLC with the Nurburgring and a stack more German cars.

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